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Tips on Oil painting Techniques (一)

1, oil painting color limit training color selection

Oil painting portrait color limiting training is suitable for people: still in the exercise of color recognition;

Use color: ivory black, ochre, deep alizarin red, cadmium red, yellow ochre, Napoli yellow, nickel titanium yellow, zinc white;


2, oil painting thick sense of performance

Brushwork is the concretization of point, line and surface, which is the surface effect of local or detail in the work.

It is the carrier of the painter's personality, artistic passion, artistic accomplishment and thoughts and feelings. It is a form that can not be ignored in oil painting creation, and it is also one of the main carriers of "heavy sense" meaning.


3. Application of oil painting fan pen

A fan pen is a flat, fan shaped brush. The pen tip fanned out from the middle to both sides;

A fan pen should not be used for dipping, but as a dry pen. If the fan pen is repeatedly used to rub the color, it must be kept clean, not harm the dexterity of the pen;


4, oil paint transparency recognition

Transparent color;

Translucent color;

Opaque color;


5, oil painting is virtual and real, the picture shows the relationship between virtual and real, we

should take overall consideration:

There is the whole and the local virtual reality, there is the virtual reality before and after;

There are primary and secondary virtual reality, there are large area and small area virtual reality;

There are images and images between the virtual reality and so on;

The virtual and the real complement each other, they are indivisible, contradictory unity;


6. Object observation method

From the color of the cold and warm and contrast observation object: cold and warm can not be mechanically understood, it is important to learn to compare, can not be absolutized, simplified;

Observe objects from the contrast of color purity: large area of gray tone should be small area of bright colors, so as to make the picture more distinct at the same time;

Observe objects by contrast of light and shade of color;


7, high saturation color harmony

High saturation: is the use of primary color or close to primary color pigments, for painting;

Create with high saturation color, can make the picture gorgeous, eye-catching. Especially complement each other high saturated color, will make the painting effect more significant;


8. Freehand painting

Painters often paint according to their own dynamic charm and transient charm of objects, often seizing a moment of things and then processing them according to their own imagination.

When a painter paints, he writes his own feelings. When he writes about objects, he can create simple and vivid shapes.


9. Design color training methods

The objects and colors depicted in the painting are recombined, consciously exaggerated and weakened to achieve a new harmony and unity;

This stage needs to take the initiative to recognize color, color performance;


10, color tone practice purpose

Can use the same group of scenery, the same composition of the method of drawing several different tunes to practice;

After painting can be compared with each other to see whether the color relationship in the tone is correct;

If not, draw another one; Repeated attempts can greatly improve the ability to grasp the color relationship;

Post time: Oct-21-2021